Is Peck Cottage Studio a brick-and-mortar business?
The business is based in the Town of Fincastle, Virginia. The art studio is part of a private residence, which is not currently open to the public. There is no brick-and-mortar storefront, however, the online store is open 24/7. You can find Peck Cottage Studio selling in-person at local art/crafts/vendor events. Check the Upcoming Events page for more information.
Are there specific limitations for the use of Peck Cottage Studio/Peck Cottage Primitives Patterns?
Patterns are for personal use only. Reproduction of patterns or resale of created goods is prohibited.
Where are your products made?
100% of the products from Peck Cottage Studio are proudly made on site in Virginia, from supplies sourced in the United States.
Are your products wearable or toys for children?
Peck Cottage Studio does not currently offer wearable items or children's toys.
Does Sarah Meadows currently teach classes for rug hooking or folk art?
Private lessons are not currently offered, but if there are workshops in the future, they will be announced on this website.
Can I request a custom order or product variation not listed on the website?
Custom order options - if available - will be listed on the product page. If you have an idea for a future product, you may share it with us. Be advised that no compensation will be given should the idea become a product offering at a future time.
Are products shipped according to price, size or weight, or is it a flat rate?
Shipping charges are based on the combined weight of the item(s) you have selected in your shopping cart.
What are your shipping/return/refund policies?
Please refer to those individual pages located on the footer menu for more details.
Buy with confidence! Peck Cottage Studio is proudly insured by ACT.